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We are very pleased to share with you that, for third consecutive year, the Carlos Polo & Asociados team has been ranked in The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals’ WTR 1000. Indeed, as this publication stands out:
“Carlos Polo & Asociados can meaningfully support brand owners in many ways and provides the full range of trademark registration, portfolio management, litigation and dispute-resolution services”
We must also congratulate our Senior Partner Carlos Polo and Helena Granado, Head of our branch office in Alicante, who have been listed individually. The reiterated recognition that Carlos is a known luminary in the field of trademarks in Spain and a person that “has done much to advance IP and trademark practice in Spain and internationally through his involvement with INTA and taskforces created by various other organisations”, attests to his continued success in the field of Intellectual Property. Likewise, Helena is “recommended by high-level sources for her extensive knowledge of EU trademarks and Community designs”.
We also want to thank our clients and the colleagues who participated in the WTR 1000 research process for providing such positive feedback.
* WTR 1000 – The WTR 1000 research directory, which focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners, has firmly established itself as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking world-class legal trademark expertise. As with previous editions, to arrive at the 2019 rankings, World Trademark Review undertook an exhaustive qualitative research project to identify the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this critical area of practice. When identifying the leading firms, factors such as depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed were all taken into account, alongside positive peer and client feedback.